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Northaw CE Primary School and Nursery

Loving for Today, Learning for Tomorrow, Forever in Faith


Meet the Teacher PowerPoint

Our topic the last two weeks has been Brazil. We have been looking at the globe to find both Brazil and England. We have been learning about the Amazon Rainforest and Amazon River and which animals you may find there. We held a Festa Junnia day where the children came dressed up for the festival. The children tasted Brazilian food made by Mrs Fernandes. They took part in Brazilian dancing, sack races and different Brazilian games. We had a fantastic day.

We have loved our topic of the circus. The children have learnt about the different roles in the circus and tested some of these out. We read lots of book which were based in a circus. We then wrote invitations to someone in the school to invite them to Acorns circus. We practiced our circus skills and performed to some of the school.


This week we have been learning about Diwali festival and how it is the festival of light. We learnt that Hindus celebrate this festival. We made Diyas Lamps using clay and decorated them using paint. We also created Rangoli Patterns using pasta, rice, lentils and powder paint. Look at the photos below to see what else we got up to.

The Gingerbread Man

This week we have been learning to retell the story of the Gingerbread Man. We have acted out the story and drawn story maps. We made our own gingerbread men who then escaped! We had to make wanted posters and asked all round the school to see if anyone had seen them. We found some crumbs as clues and finally we found them in Amy’s Office.

Autumn time

Out topic this week has been “Autumn Time”. We have learnt about Harvest festival and learnt the song “Dingle Dangle scarecrow” ready to perform in our church. We enjoyed investigating pumpkins, rolling conkers and painting leaves.

This week our topic has been “Under the Sea”. The children were surprised when Miss Barker brought a real fish into school. The children learnt about the different parts of the fish and some children chose to hold the fish. Miss Barker then cut up the fish and we all had a look inside!

Our first topic has been “The Colour Monster”. The children have been talking about their feelings. We have completed lots of different activities using colour.

The children in Acorns class have settled in really well. Here are some photos of what they have been up to in their first week at Northaw C of E Primary School.
