Governance information
The core pillars of the board's role and purpose are strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy, and accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance.
The governing board, comprising 2 ex-officio governors (headteacher of the school and vicar of the parish), 1 local authority governor, 1 staff governor, 2 parent governors, 6 foundation governors (2 elected by the Diocesan Board of Education and 4 elected by the Parochial Church Council) and associate members, is co-chaired by Mr Mahesh Gami and Rev Chris Kilgour. Mr David White is vice-chair.
Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed.
Governing Board
| Category of governor | Term of office | Relevant business and pecuniary interests | Link |
Dr James Inglis | Ex-officio | 19.4.2022- | n/a |
Rev Chris Kilgour | Ex-officio | 30.10.2017- | n/a | Collective worship, PPG, safeguarding, SEND |
Mr Mahesh Gami | Local authority | 22.2.2022-21.2.2026 | n/a | Art and design, computing, DT, wellbeing |
Mrs Hayley Hood | Staff | 17.1.2022-16.1.2026 | Landlord Company manager/shareholder |
Mrs Lee Anne Hill | Parent | 17.11.2021-16.11.2025 | n/a | Finance, French, music, RE |
Mr David White | Parent | 17.11.2021-16.11.2025 | n/a | Health and safety, science |
Mr Erhan Bora | Foundation (DBE) | 11.12.2023-10.12.2027 | Teacher (Goffs Academy) | Maths |
| Foundation (DBE) |
Mr Dan Ruge-Cope | Foundation (PCC) | 17.10.2021-16.10.2025 | n/a |
Mrs Angela Semakula | Foundation (PCC) | 17.7.2023- | n/a | English |
Mr Ed Watt | Foundation (PCC) | 14.1.2023-13.1.2027 | n/a | EYFS, geography, history, PE |
| Foundation (PCC) |
Mrs Ginnie Hussey | Associate member | 22.5.2023- | n/a | Mental health, PSHE |
Mr Erhan Bora | Associate member | 17.7-10.12.2023 | Teacher (Goffs Academy) | Maths |
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year
| 11.9.2023 | 18.12.2023 | 25.3.2024 | 20.5.2024 | 22.7.2024 |
Dr James Inglis | / | / | / | / | / |
Rev Chris Kilgour | / | / | / | / | A |
Mr Mahesh Gami | A | / | / | / | / |
Mrs Hayley Hood | / | / | / | / | / |
Mrs Lee Anne Hill | A | / | / | / | / |
Mr David White | A | A | A | A | A |
Mr Erhan Bora | / | / | / | A | / |
Mr Dan Ruge-Cope | / | / | / | / | / |
Mrs Angela Semakula | / | / | / | A | / |
Mr Ed Watt | / | A | / | / | / |
Mrs Ginnie Hussey | A | A | / | / | A |
Membership of the curriculum committee |
Dr James Inglis Rev Chris Kilgour (chair) Mrs Hayley Hood Mr Erhan Bora Mrs Angela Semakula Mrs Ginnie Hussey |
Attendance at meetings of the curriculum committee | |||
| 27.11.2023 | 11.3.2024 | 27.6.2024 |
Dr James Inglis | / | / | / |
Rev Chris Kilgour | / | / | / |
Mrs Hayley Hood | / | A | A |
Mr Erhan Bora | / | A | / |
Mrs Angela Semakula | A | A | A |
Mrs Ginnie Hussey | / | / | / |
Membership of the finance & premises committee |
Dr James Inglis Mr Mahesh Gami (chair) Mrs Lee Anne Hill Mr David White Mr Ed Watt |
Attendance at meetings of the finance & premises committee | |||
| 16.11.2023 | 7.3.2024 | 4.7.2024 |
Dr James Inglis | / | / | / |
Mr Mahesh Gami | / | / | / |
Mrs Lee Anne Hill | / | / | / |
Mr David White | / | A | A |
Mr Ed Watt | / | / | A |
Collecting and publishing governing board diversity data
Diversity is important, and we want the governing board to be increasingly reflective of the community we serve.
Gender | Number of board responses |
Female | 4 |
Male | 7 |
Other gender identity |
Chose not to say |
Age group | Number of board responses |
18 to 40 | 5 |
41 to 60 | 4 |
61 or over | 2 |
Chose not to say |
Disability | Number of board responses |
Disability requiring additional support and or adjustments |
Disability requiring no additional support and or adjustments | 2 |
No disability | 9 |
Chose not to say |
Sexual orientation | Number of board responses |
Bisexual |
Gay or Lesbian |
Straight/Heterosexual | 10 |
Other sexual orientation |
Chose not to say | 1 |
Ethnic group | Number of board responses |
Asian or Asian British |
Bangladeshi |
Chinese |
Indian | 1 |
Pakistani |
Any other Asian background |
Black, Black British, Caribbean or African |
African background | 1 |
Caribbean |
Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean background |
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups |
White and Asian |
White and Black African |
White and Black Caribbean |
Any other Mixed or Multiple background |
White |
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British | 8 |
Gypsy or Irish Traveller |
Irish |
Roma |
Other ethnic group |
Arab |
Any other ethnic group | 1 |
Religion | Number of board responses |
Buddhist |
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations) | 7 |
Hindu | 1 |
Jewish |
Muslim |
Sikh |
No religion | 1 |
Any other religion |
Chose not to say | 2 |
Proximity to the school or trust | Number of board responses |
Less than 1 mile (walking distance) | 1 |
2 to 5 miles (up to 10 minute drive) | 7 |
6 to 15 miles (up to 30 minute drive) | 3 |
16 to 40 miles (up to 1 hour drive) |
More than 40 miles |
Chose not to say |
Experience of school as a parent or carer | Number of board responses |
I am a parent or carer of a child/children currently of school age | 6 |
I am a parent or carer of a child/children who have completed their education | 2 |
I am not a parent or carer | 3 |
Chose not to say |
Further comments on parental experience |
Type of school attended | Number of board responses |
State-run or state-funded school | 11 |
Independent or fee-paying school |
Attended school outside the UK |
Chose not to say |
Other type of education setting |
Experience of the care system | Number of board responses |
Looked after/in the care of the local authority during all or some of my period of school education |
Not looked after/in the care of the local authority | 11 |
Chose not to say |
Continued education after leaving school | Number of board responses |
Further education (sixth form/college) | 2 |
Higher education (university) | 7 |
Apprenticeship route | 1 |
Did not continue education | 1 |
Chose not to say |
Eligibility for free school meals | Number of board responses |
Eligible |
Not eligible | 10 |
Don’t know | 1 |
Not applicable |
Chose not to say |