Homework is a valuable element of the teaching and learning process, and children are encouraged to work at home on a regular basis. Regular homework is important as it gives pupils the opportunity to practise at home, reinforcing tasks done in class, and further develop specific skills. It also helps pupils to become confident and independent learners. It must be remembered, however, that children have worked very hard at their lessons and many of them, particularly the younger ones, will be tired at the end of the school day. Expecting them to tackle large amounts of homework in the evening would not be appropriate. Homework will be given in moderation and parents must acknowledge that the many excellent out-of-school sporting, musical, social and recreational activities that children are involved with these days are a very important part of their whole learning experience. Similarly, spending quality time with parents, sharing all manner of activities, is essential for children. Homework should not be viewed as a substitute for this.
Early years foundation stage
Parents and carers are expected to record reading with their child every day. Children’s reading records are checked at least twice a week. Although children are encouraged to read books more than once, they can change them at least twice a week. Every child has access to Numbots.
Key stage 1
Parents and carers are expected to record their child’s reading every day. Children’s reading records are checked at least twice a week. Although children are encouraged to read books more than once, they can change them at least twice a week. There is a weekly handwriting/spelling task, and children subsequently have an opportunity to apply their learning in class. There is a weekly maths task, reinforcing lessons. Every child has access to either Numbots or Times Tables Rock Stars. Homework is distributed on Friday and collected on Wednesday.
Lower key stage 2
Children have a plain book to record their reading more creatively, and there is a weekly comprehension task. There is a weekly spelling task, and children subsequently have an opportunity to apply their learning in class. There is also a weekly maths task, reinforcing lessons. Over each holiday, children are set a project linked to geography and history. Every child has access to both Times Tables Rock Stars and Language Angels Home School. Homework is distributed on Friday and collected on Wednesday.
Upper key stage 2
Children have a plain book to record their reading more creatively, and there is a weekly comprehension task to complete online. There is a weekly spelling task, and children subsequently have an opportunity to apply their learning in class. There is also a weekly maths task, reinforcing lessons. Over each holiday, children are set a project linked to geography and history. Every child has access to both Times Tables Rock Stars and Language Angels Home School. Homework is distributed on Friday and collected on Wednesday.