Learning in the Classroom 2023-2024
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This is updated weekly with photos and details of the
children's learning.
We have been learning to play the glockenspiels.
During our DT lessons we have been trying different smoothies. We then got to cut up lots of different fruits and make our own smoothies which we all enjoyed drinking!
Forest school in Apples and Pears
In year 1, we have been finding the difference between two numbers. We have done this with cubes and sentence stems to help us with key vocabulary.
The children spent some time learning their phonic patterns by writing their words out in different fonts. They had to make sure each letter in the word was there and try to show the word in an interesting way. We had square words, wiggly words, dotty words and even spiky words.
To practise identifying nouns, Year 1 went on a noun hunt. Once they had located some noun cards, they had to decide if it was a person, place, object or animal and put it into the correct column. They had great fun and did really well organising the nouns in the right categories.
Year 2 used their partitioning skills this week to use a part-whole model. This diagram looks like a bunch of cherries and separates the whole number into smaller parts. They separated each 2 digit number into tens and ones. We even extended our knowledge to using flexible pairs.
We started our science lessons off with a bang - Carrying out an investigation to see what happened when different sweets were added to coke. We tested flying saucers, jelly beans, marshmallows and mints. We first predicted what we thought would happen before placing the sweets one at a time in the coke. Our whole group closely observed and were surprised by the results. We had some great vocabulary during our discussions. When we finally tested the mints we all thought it safer to do that test outside. To finish off our investigation we put 7 mints into a whole bottle of coke. The explosive reaction shocked us all and several of us got soaked by a minty coke shower - myself included.
We split into 2 groups to go exploring the school for wheels and axles. We found them everywhere and were able to say if they were a fixed axle, where the wheels turn together or a free moving axle, where the wheels can turn separately.
We have been learning how to find the 'pulse' of a piece of music. We listen for the beat and try to clap and move to the rhythm, keeping in time to the music. We clap beats of 6 notes in a pattern and try to copy the quick and slow pauses.
We were even able to have a go at following a simple pattern on the glockenspiels; hitting the keys with a beater at the right time on the right note. We did this several times and felt much more confident.
We recorded a video of our performance so we can see how we have improved by the end of the unit.