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Northaw CE Primary School and Nursery

Loving for Today, Learning for Tomorrow, Forever in Faith

PE and Sport

PE events this year:


Wodson World Wide Games – Year 5


“On the 6th of June 2024 I went to the Wodson games. I danced there and had an extremely good time. Each school had to do the same routine though each one had a different ending because we had to improvise to make an ending.”



“I took part in the Wodson Games on the 6th June 2024, for me, this was a very fun experience to take part in. I tried many different sports such as: javelin, multiple races, zero bounds, dance, martial arts, ultimate frisbee, and so much more - we even got to carry a flag across the track! The people at Wodson Park were really kind and let us all take part in the games. Everyone was really kind, and I loved being able to have so much fun. At the end of the games, we all ate our lunches and laughed about how we played. I definitely want to go to Wodson Park again, I loved it"



On the 6th of June 2024, I attended the Wodson Games. I took part in the dancing part of the event. It was a competitive, yet fun experience and can keep you happy, active and occupied. - Alexia


I took part in Wodson games I did an activity called dance we learned dance routines and showed other schools what we learnt; the coach was impressed with everyone but unfortunately Northaw did not win but it’s good that we had fun doing it. Some of the dance moves we did not know but we still had loads of fun. At the end of our dance, we had a chance to make our own moves and loads of schools did back hand springs so it was really fun to watch. - Elsie 


“I thoroughly enjoyed Wodson games as it held many events for children to participate in such as: martial arts, athletics, relay races, zero bound, dodgeball and many more activities. Even within such an intense atmosphere to collect trophies for your school, you had many opportunities to meet new friends, earn medals and win metal trophies. I’d say I was ecstatic when I first found out my role at school, for I had Martial Arts, although I was afraid of my competition because I’m not such the type of person to join in within martial arts, I met many new friends who had the same similarities with me. The thing I mostly loved about Wodson, was that everything was fair and at the end everyone had an amazing time even if they had lost and earned no trophies (like our school made). Our martial arts teacher told us he studied in multiple styles such as: Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Karate, Muay Thai, Kickboxing and regular styled boxing. Me and my partner, (Riley) got to play with a variety of support items for Karate, learn amazing fighting skills and stances and practise punches and self-defence. We got to feel like professional MMA fighters after fighting in the dojo, in fact we enjoyed it so much, me and Riley got encouraged to start doing “Muay Thai” and “Boxing”. I am so thankful for the school for giving such amazing opportunities for us to compete in and feel the competitive spirit of primary school.”





Everyone In event


On 4th of December 2023, I went to Every 1in, and I had a great time. There were loads of fun games to do like 0 bounds and bowls. I’d definitely recommend to do this again.- Harrison E


I went to Every1in on the 4th December 2023. At this event I had an amazing time

I did lots of things such as relay ( 4 by 4) races , javelin and triple jump . It

was such a fun time and I hope other people can experience it just like I did.- Ella


I went to Every1in on the 4th of December, it was a blast. There were many activities to do like relay race, long jump and ladder race, after that we had a short break and chatted for a while but at the end we left.- Dylan

On the 4th of December 2023 I went to the every one in event . It was so fun me and some of the girls did a relay race and it was so fun . We went with Miss Kirk and Mrs Whitaker it was so far the best event I went to in Wodson . Bella


Cross country


I went to cross country on the 4th of March we had to run 1 mile it seems like a lot but it is not you just need to breath your way through it and take your time I set off in an even pace then when I saw the finish line I use the rest of my energy for the last part then I sprint to the fish line. Don’t be afraid to volunteer to do some sports.



I went to cross country on 4th March and I really enjoyed it. It got my blood pumping and you only run 1 mile and it was very fun to go to and it really makes you excited and it’s nice to cheer for the year6s

And the people who work there is very nice and supportive. It is very breath taking from how long you take to run. 

From Kiera


On the 4th March we did cross country it was exhausting but it was fun. When we got there everyone was excited then we got into are groups then year by year went up to do cross country and we had run a mile and after cross country we got picked up by our parents and everyone was happy at the end

By Ryan


Football Match

Bayford football match 2nd November 2023 : The Bayford match was fun and it was a different sport for once however we lost by a lot, we still had loads of fun. – Baran


On the 2nd November 2023 I went to Bayford football match. We had lots of fun playing against Bayford school and even scored a few goals. But unfortunately we lost 11-4.Overall we had fun. Jack

Rugby Year 5/6


Y5/6 Rugby 14th November 2023

I took part in Wodson rugby last year and thoroughly enjoyed my experience there. First, we arrived by car at the event ground and met up at the front of the building to get started with practise. We all lined up on the field for the Wodson park employee to check if all schools were there. We won 5/6 matches we played and we drew the last match. I had a fantastic experience and would recommend this trip to other pupils of the school. Last year’s pupils took part in this event, and I took part last year as a year 5 and enjoyed myself last year to. This shows this event is a fun and active outside activity for any ages in yr5 and yr6 who want to take part in tag rugby. We had extra Velcro on our tags since we have to bring our own tags. We had an advantage from our tags but still they got ripped off by the opposing team. I also got picked to do the yr6 girls tag rugby and enjoyed myself there to.

From Autumn.


On the 14th November 2023 some of the Y5 and Y6 did Rugby. I really enjoyed playing rugby even though it rained but we still had lots of fun- Asa


On the 14th of November I went to a rugby tournament, and it was so fun because it was raining, and everyone had a laugh when they got wet. I had a really fun time and I would definitely go again. -Taiya



Sports Day


I loved Sports Day. It was so fun to try to do the javelin, hockey and so many more activities around the field and playground. Neverland came joint 3rd with Oz and I really liked the ice cream afterwards. My favourite had to be the races at the very end but I also loved basketball and hockey. When we did the sack races I fell over thousands of times but it was so fun. I wish I could do it again- Olivia


On the 12th of July 2024,It was Sports Day. The first thing we had to do was to go to different classrooms with our houses. I went to a Key Stage 1 classroom and as I walked , a teacher assigned us all into 2 groups of 10 maybe. And as we were assigned into our groups, we were told to line up behind the door to go out to the playground. Because that’s where we do our stretches and get active. And as we were in the middle of our stretches everyone’s parents came and watched us.

The first thing we had to do, was hockey. Which is when we get a hockey stick and a tennis ball and walk it and back again. Then the second thing we had to do, was to go on the field this time. This time we were throwing bean bags at hoops. Like if we get all three of them, we get three points to our house. There was more but then we did basketball. So the teacher separated the younger children and the older children. And if the younger children score a hoop they get two points. And if the older children score a hoop, they get a point. Then the last thing we done was a race. To me it was so competitive like it always is. Then Sports Day ended.- Flo


On the 12th July 2024, Northaw did sports day! We did Javelin, Cool down in the gazebo, Basketball, Hockey, Discus, Football, and Relay. After we did a race, I came 3rd. We had so much fun! 

From Denni.


Cross Country


I went to cross country on the 3rd November 2023 and had a very good time running to represent our school- Seb


District Athletics


I went to District Athletics 25th June 2023 it was great we came second in the relay race, and I came 4th in my 80 meters. I came second in my long jump, and it was really great I would do it again- Riley


“District Athletics, 25th June 2024 that day we did so many activities ( 70 yard dash, long jump, and relay. It was so fun! I recommend this activity” - Ted



Sportshall athletics


On the 7th of February 2023, I went to the sports hall athletics at Wodson Park. I did the 6-lap relay, and long jump. I really enjoyed it and would go again.



On the 7th of February 2023, me, Jenson hood, went to the sports hall event with my classmates! At the wonderful event, there were so many activities to choose from and to do! For me, I chose the javelin and the relay race! In the relay race, me and some other people in my class who had entered it, lined up to start the race. The relay race worked by 1 person at a time, after they had touched both walls of the room, they had to run back to the group and let the next person run! I was 2nd out of 3 people in my group to run in! In the end we placed 4th!

In the javelin, many people from different schools stood on a line beside me and waited for their turn to throw the foam javelin as far as they could! Me and my friend were first in the line [pressure was on us] and I could remember myself feeling anxious that I wasn't going to throw as far as I needed. But in the end, I won 1st place with miles far away from 2nd!

But in the end, this was one of the best sporting events of my life!



When I went to the event on the 7th Feb 2023, I participated in lots of different activities which I really enjoyed. The sports hall event was a very good experience as I got to join in with things I hadn't heard of before. Erika


Gymnastics KS1


“We had to do a teddy bear roll, splits and some balancing. We had to jump off a beam. I came first in the gymnastics. The whole team came first, we won a trophy to keep at school.” – Elysia


“I went to the gymnastics competition, it was super fun. Northaw won! ” – Georgia



KS1 agility


“At the end we had to throw different things like aeroplanes and balls with strings on them.” – Timi

“We did tennis, we learnt how to hit the ball, we went on a coach.” – Charlotte


Year 3 and 4 Rugby


Some children from year 3 and 4 represented Northaw school at Hertford Rugby club. We lost 2 games, drew the 3rd and won the last few matches. We all loved it. Me personally I loved it so much. I also got invited to come and play for them - Charlie


Year 3 and 4 Development Day


At Wodson Park we did a development day. We did boxing and cricket. During boxing a man held two pads and we had to hit them. In cricket 4 girls taught us the rules and then we played. I really enjoyed it. – Valentina


Gymnastics KS2 – 3rd May 2024


We went to the gymnastics competition. Me, Romy, Soraya, Madison, Samara and Sophia. We did a lot of forward rolls. We were competing against other schools. We really enjoyed it. - Violet
