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Northaw CE Primary School and Nursery

Loving for Today, Learning for Tomorrow, Forever in Faith


The Northaw Curriculum


At Northaw, we aim to follow the statutory national curriculum, guidance on relationships and health education, and framework for the early years foundation stage, and the Church of England statement of entitlement through The Northaw Curriculum, which comprises all learning and other experiences, the hidden curriculum, that we plan for our pupils. Programmes of study are enhanced by added value, learning sequences and progression frameworks.


At Northaw, we see pupils as discoverers, exploring subjects. The core subjects are English, mathematics and science. The other foundation subjects are art and design, computing, design and technology, languages (French), geography, history, music; personal, social, health and economic education (including relationships education), physical education and religious education. They build on the areas of learning and development in the early years foundation stage. The prime areas are communication and language, physical development, and personal, social and emotional development. The specific areas are literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design.


At Northaw, we are committed to providing an ambitious, inclusive, broad and balanced curriculum rooted in Christian values that endows every child with the knowledge and cultural capital, skills, understanding and vocabulary to fulfil their potential while nurturing well-being, and prepares them for citizenship, future learning and employment, and lifelong faith. Equally designed to meet the needs of pupils whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard, the particularly disadvantaged and those with SEND, our curriculum is demanding, setting suitable challenges and overcoming would-be barriers to achieve the best possible outcomes consistently for all. Building on our Christian vision, The Northaw Curriculum affords space for a deepening spiritual awareness, the development of moral attitudes and a strengthened sense of community. Coherently sequenced, our curriculum frees teachers to deliver clear, engaging lessons, adapted when necessary to address both gaps and misconceptions, and promote appropriate discussion in environments focused on pupils who produce high-quality work and are supported to retain content and acquire mastery. Phonics and reading are prioritised, allowing pupils to access the full education offer; opportunities to develop fluency in mathematics and English across the curriculum bolstered by enhanced learning powers (the 6Rs) lead to success in life. Integrated with our curriculum, daily acts of collective worship are occasions for personal reflection, communal growth and further exploration of life’s big questions, sitting alongside academic progress.

Parents, carers or other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum by speaking with the headteacher.
