Keeping children safe at
Northaw CE Primary School
The designated safeguarding lead (and deputies) is the most appropriate person to advise on the response to safeguarding concerns.
Dr James Inglis
Miss Lina Barker
For more information, please see our Child Protection Policy.
If you know of a child at immediate risk of harm, report it now to Children's Services:
0300 123 4043
In an emergency and/or when a crime is committed, call the police:
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility at Northaw - it could happen here
When concerned for the safeguarding of a pupil in any other case, please complete a Record of Concern at once and hand it to the DSL.
Copies of Guidance for Recording Concerns about children and young people including Headteacher/DSL response and actions taken, Record of Concern (ROC) and BODYMAP are available from the signing-in point, staffroom and headteacher’s office.
Daily Briefing
There is a daily briefing attended by every member of staff and led by the headteacher just before the start of school which is used for raising any emerging concerns.
Filtering and Monitoring
Please raise any concerns regarding the effectiveness of filtering and monitoring directly and promptly with the headteacher.
Governors and Visitors
There is a clearly marked signing-in point by the front door, and all visitors must sign in and out of the site. There is a separate book for governors. Either governors lanyards or visitors badges must be worn at all times.
Helping Hands
In September, every child completes a helping hand, identifying adults who can support them, developing necessary protective behaviours. It is then revisited termly.
Operation Encompass
We take part in Operation Encompass. Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.
Speak out Stay safe
We have signed up to this safeguarding programme from the NSPCC and complete it each year.
Training and Updates
Training is delivered to all staff during INSET in September, January and April. Safeguarding updates are shared electronically with all staff in November, February and June.