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Northaw CE Primary School and Nursery

Loving for Today, Learning for Tomorrow, Forever in Faith

24th September 2021

The last newsletter for September—next time it will be October. I am sure I won’t be the only one finding that absolutely incredible! Autumn is certainly filling the air and the nights are noticeably drawing in.

We started the week with Reverend Chris visiting to lead collective worship. The focus was on generosity and how God generously created the world. It was very thought provoking to watch a visual representation of how the world was creating, along with a very catchy song about ’God made everything’.

I have really enjoyed looking at some of the RE learning across the school this week. Pupils in Acorns have been thinking very carefully about how to look after living things around them, inspired by their recent learning on St Francis of Assisi. It is wonderful to consider the impact that being generous can have on somebody else.

I very much enjoyed having a good old sing with Oak class –they are sounding in fine tune and have worked really hard on practising their songs ready for Harvest.

It was wonderful to finish my week by teaching Apples and Pears class this morning. There was some fantastic learning in PE and brilliant examples of pupils listening, following instructions and working together.

Wishing you all a very restful weekend.
