11th March 2022
I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to be having regular collective worship assemblies back in the hall. We started this week with an extended singing assembly and it was so inspiring and uplifting. Mrs Cullingford was genuinely moved to tears and I don’t think an adult in the school could not feel moved by the wonderful voices which filled the hall.
Willow class were very excited to receive their second class golden ticket—they need three in total to earn a whole class reward. The pupils in the class have been set a challenge to try and achieve three golden tickets by the end of this half term—it will take a lot of hard work and courage to achieve this, but nothing is impossible. Apples and Pears also earned a golden ticket this week for their fantastic efforts in collective worship.
Well done to all of our Year 6 pupils who have started their Early Energiser groups this week, in the run up to the SATs assessments in May. I thoroughly enjoyed the first SPAG session on Wednesday; the children all attended with very positive attitudes and were keen to learn.
Have a peaceful and enjoyable weekend and I look forward to seeing everybody safe and well on Monday.