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Northaw CE Primary School and Nursery

Loving for Today, Learning for Tomorrow, Forever in Faith

22nd October 2021

Incredibly, we have reached the end of Autumn 1—the first half term; a sixth of the way through the academic year. It has absolutely flown by and has been such an enjoyable seven weeks. I must start by thanking all of the school community for your support and generosity. The beginning of term was a challenging time for Northaw with Mrs Whales retiring, followed by her very sad health news, and then a change of headteacher at very short notice. However, resilience has proven to be a real strength of the school and challenges have become successes. The community of any institution is always determined by how it deals with unprecedented events. On top of the demands and challenges of COVID, I really do feel that we should all be so proud of the direction Northaw has headed during this time. I am very privileged to be a part of this wonderful school and community; something which cannot ever be taken for granted and is the legacy that Mrs Whales had worked so hard to achieve with you all.

This week started with our headteacher interviews. Although an appointment was not made, a very pleasing aspect of this process was the pupil panel that helped to deliver the interview programme. They were extremely professional, perceptive and insightful—such great qualities to have from an interview panel. Congratulations to all of the pupils involved in this and to the rest of the school for making a striking impression with your excellent behaviour.

Finally, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very enjoyable half term break. I look forward to seeing you all for Autumn 2—the second half of the Autumn term.
