Annual Reports
Today, the children will bring home their annual reports. They are self-explanatory; however, I would like to highlight two features.
The level of concern we have about your child's attendance is indicated at the top. We want every child to achieve a figure above 95% by the end of the year, making the most of school-based learning. If attendance is below 90%, they are classified by the government as a persistent absentee, and their overall progress is jeopardised. Further information about this can be found on our website.
In KS1 and KS2, we now measure pupils' attainment in every subject in relation to the expected standard for their age, which brings us into line with how the government assesses outcomes at the end of both key stages. More information regarding each curriculum area can again be found on our website.
It has been a genuine pleasure to read and comment on all 101 reports, and I am sure you will be very proud of the progress your child is making.
Please complete the comment slip and return it to your child's teacher.