Leisurely Learning
Pupils have worked extremely hard this year, continuing to make up ground lost following successive national lockdowns, and must have a good rest before returning refreshed and ready to learn in September.
We do not set homework as such during the summer holiday; however, if you are looking for something to engage or stretch your children, leisurely learning, there is plenty on the school website, including:
Maths Everywhere: https://www.northawschool.org/maths-everywhere/
Summer Reading Challenge: https://www.northawschool.org/summer-reading-challenge/
Class pages have areas for remote education:
Acorns: https://www.northawschool.org/remote-education/
Apples & Pears: https://www.northawschool.org/remote-education-1/
Willow: https://www.northawschool.org/remote-education-2/
Oak: https://www.northawschool.org/remote-education-3/
We would also encourage the children to continue reading widely and practising their recall of number bonds and times tables.