Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND)
Since joining the school as headteacher. I have been reviewing every aspect of what we do. Last term, I arrived at Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND).
Here at Northaw, the percentage of pupils with SEND is well above average. As Mrs Jo Rush, our SEND Coordinator (SENDCo), is employed part-time, this has stretched resources, occasionally leaving parents and carers frustrated with procedures. I am, therefore, introducing a new structure for the administration of SEND, aimed at releasing Mrs Rush to concentrate on those areas she is uniquely qualified for, including funding applications, while nurturing the closest possible relationships with parents and carers.
Highly experienced, Mrs Lauren Whitaker, who supports children in Willow, is now our Inclusion Leader. Working full-time, she is better placed to be the main point of contact for parents and carers, responding to enquiries and updating on developments. Mrs Whitaker regularly opens the black gate in the morning; however, she can also be contacted electronically (lwhitaker@northaw.herts.sch.uk) and is planning on replying within 48 hours on weekdays to messages received.
I hope these measures along with other steps taken internally will further improve the service we provide.