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Northaw CE Primary School and Nursery

Loving for Today, Learning for Tomorrow, Forever in Faith

Vineyards Road

You may remember one of our children was injured crossing Vineyards Road in late 2023 while attending a weekend PTA event. Since then, I have been pressing our councillor to improve safety further. I am pleased to report the following actions have now been prioritised:


  • New bend signs on the approach to the school x 2 locations
  • New existing signs upgraded reducing sign clutter all on one sign x 2 locations within the 30-mph limit
  • New vergemasters outside the school and other locations throughout
  • Refresh of existing road markings within the 30-mph limit
  • Refresh of existing and new school sign road marking within the 30-mph limit
  • Refresh of existing school Keep Clear within the 30-mph limit
  • Additional new slow markings within the 30-mph limit
  • New school sign within the 30-mph limit


A pledge has also been made to complete a 'speed and volume study of traffic', reviewing the speed limit.
